Who are we?

WAZUP Fireworks is a family-owned business based in Bel Aire, Kansas. Our goal is to provide quality fireworks at affordable prices so that everyone has the opportunity to experience the joy of setting off fireworks. We want to give you more bang for your buck!

How did we get here?

The Wawrzewski Family enjoying their most favorite activity at Disney World, the Happily Ever After Fireworks Display near Gaston’s Cafe.

When I was a kid, Christmas was my favorite holiday, but the 4th of July was always right on its heels. From having bottle rocket wars with my cousins during summers in Wyoming to lighting matasuegras in Bolivia, setting off fireworks has always brought me joy. To this day, the smell of burning sulfur or a lit punk brings back a lifetime of memories. Now as an adult, I can firmly say that the 4th of July is without a doubt my favorite holiday.

Not to say that playing with fireworks doesn’t have consequences. At age 32, newly married to my wonderful wife Elizabeth, I lost sight in my right eye due to an errant bottle rocket accident while in Bolivia. Lesson learned: always wear eye protection. On the bright side, I know what it feels to be a “one-eyed” pirate, eye-patch and all!

Now, my wife and I have two wonderful children who are growing up way too fast. As serial entrepreneurs, we decided to start WAZUP Fireworks as a way to teach our kids about business. Now, we take two weeks off every year and spend them together as a family selling fireworks. It really is a perfect marriage of passion, pleasure, business and family.

— Michael Wawrzewski, owner of WAZUP Fireworks

Michael Wawrzewski with his nephew and fellow fireworks enthusiast, Jonathan Rasguido.

The Wawrzewski children showing off some of their favorite fireworks.